Jesus friend of sinners?

I read something on the internet. about “incorportate  Autistcs into your church.” Incorperate? I thought we were people. Do they want to incorperate a disorder, or people on the spectrum? In the tv miniseries Jessus of Nazereth, Mary hears about Jesus and seeks Him out. She finds him feeding the five thousand.
She has come to him with all the pain, shame and hurt, and what she finds is the Lord feeding people. What Mary found, and perhaps was looking for, was love, compassion, conviction, mercy and forgiveness. And look what she found…
I often wonder if God loves Autistics. I am so messed up. I go to a church and the music is so loud you can’t hear yourself think. They were concerned only with making a music video and ignoring the hurting broken souls there who neede God. Another church was lecturing about what other churches believed. I went home with all my pain, sensory sensitivity, isolation, anger.  All the “church” today seems to talk about is psychology and personal power. Any sign of brokeness is judged and condemmed as sin. The church buildings today have what sounds like a circus type atmosphere. Bookstores, puppets, musical  instruments…everything but what is needed. Jesus! I end up thinking that,,wondering does God love autistics? Does He love me?
All the stuff I hear is either about kids, or autism speaks, stgma, that people on the spectrum don’t want to be fixed” and flashblogs. All a bunch of spchycology stuff! Not about the one who cares about me and loves me. All I read about are tactics and manipulations.
When a woman was accused of adultry, she was brought befoe the Lord for judgement and condemnation. Not introduced to the One who can help and heal and forgivve. And take away sin. I can kind of smpathyze with that woman. (Jesus did protect forgive and forgive her)
Sometimes I condemn myself so strongly for my Autism. That God hares me because of it. I have listened to prechers on You tube criticize  Autistics. And the knife goes in a little bit farther. Ouch. Mary’s lfe was changed when somebody introduced her to Jesus. Is being Autistic a sin? Is Jesus tuly a friend of sinners? Churches are supposed to be a hospital for the broken. How do we “incorperate”
Autistics into the church? Love us like Jesus did. Tell us about the one who can heal our pain. We don’t need short circiut tv. We need the Savior. We are people not projects. The suicide rate among those on the spectrm is high. Tell us there is some one who cares. Who we can turn to. Who will not judge or comdemn. We don’t need to be incorperted. We don’t need tactics. we don’t need puppets or bookstores. We
neeed Jesus.

Blood cells found in T-rex bone.

Blood cells found in T-rex bone.

If your as taken with dinosaurs like I am, scientists have found actual blood cells in the leg bone-not a fossil-of a T-rex. In a recent article from  Montana State University, scientists were trying to contain there excitement over findings, a report that actual red blood cells from a T-rex have been found.   It’s amazing!! Still believe in evolution? Read this link!!! God the Creator continues to amaze me!!

Angry Atheists Take On a Football Coach.

Angry Atheists Take On a Football Coach.

The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) has taken the field with a new mission to silence and intimidate a college football coach for sharing his faith with his players.

The FFRF is offended that Dabo Swinney, the head football coach for the Clemson Tigers, is a Christian that publicly shares his faith with the players of his team.  Further, the group argues that Coach Swinney gave a volunteer chaplain access to his players for Bible studies, also gave the chaplain an office at the athletic center, displayed Bible quotes through the football facilities, schedules team devotions, and also leads “sessions on ‘being baptized’” on school grounds. In sum, FFRF argues that “Christian Worship seems interwoven into Clemson’s football program. Quoted from the link. Sign the petition


Give me Jesus! Not plastic Easter junk.

“Easter” Sunday is coming. Don’t give this plastic “basket and egg” garbage! Look at our world! The same-sex perversion being taught in kindergartens! All the hatred, abuse and murder of Autistic people. Look at the obsession with guns violence and killing. Drugs and drug pushers are put on pedestools  At least here. It seem that somebody who is the victim is hated, and those who hurt or otherwise wrong them is seen as the victim! Look at the trash on screen, the internet, tv and movies. People who seem unable to speak about God without including, guns, Obama, and Duck dynasty! Duck dynasty did not suffer on the cross for me. Pay for my sins with their life or walk out of the tomb alive. The “Jesus” spoken about today seems to be some new age creation that bears little or no resemblence to the real one. Americans constanly criy out for a former terrorist overseas, (The man does claim to speak about Jesus) if he so much as sneezes, yet totally ignores how those here in there own country are being treated. The churches have traded the Gospel for You tube videos. The empty tomb is the greatest news you could share with a hurting world. And yet all you hear is bunnies and eggs!!! Don’t give me this garbage!!!! I-and other hurting souls-need something real. Somebody to hold on to. Jesus is real!! He is risen. He is the blessed hope. The only hope. As Carman said, “the only thing that’s gonna change this world is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Too often folks try to hide behind the old tired claims of “doing something for their kids.” Well that doesn’t work.  This nation is headed for judgement  And the one who will judge us will not be hopping down the bunny trial. They are clearly rejecting Jesus Christ. Look around. Give me Resurrection Sunday. Not plastic Easter junk. PS,I realize I was very hard on the American pastor in the muslim prison. Hope he is released soon.